People asking for money when doing Travel Photography
The sun was on the horizon, a perfect orange ball. It was another beautiful sunset in Hoi An, Vietnam and we were out on a photo tour through a local village – taking advantage of the dreamy light. While the group spread out to take photos of people harvesting rice in the paddies, I noticed one of my students walking back toward me. She appeared hunched over in defeat. âWhatâs going on?â I asked. She replied, âI went to take a picture of a woman and she asked me for money – so I left and didn’t take the photo.â Unfortunately, this is something Iâd heard many times before. While traveling in Asia, it is likely that you will be approached by a local asking for money. As a reader of a travel photo blog, you already know that the more time spent visiting tourist-dense locations, the more often locals will approach you for money. This is because someone, many times before you has handed out money. Thus, establishing the common stereotype that all Westerners are rich and will give away their money. The more tourists continue to give money when asked, the more this stereotype has been reinforced. Unfortunately, itâs now to the point that in order to change this practice, it could take decades.  As you may know, developing countries are very money orientated cultures. No one to blame here, but it is an expected thing for people who come from difficult situations to try and make more money today. As I live in Vietnam I will use the Vietnamese example: Vietnam is also a very business-oriented, and historically a trading culture. As tourism has grown, so have the business opportunities. This is good for the economy, and money has become a larger priority. For example, if you could understand Vietnamese while walking through a market, you would hear that most people are conversing about money, all the time. Because of this, money inhabits a large portion of peopleâs minds. So much so, that if you visit the countryside, where most people donât speak English, they will at least know the word âmoneyâ. This is because anyone who has a sister, an uncle, or a cousin whoâs taught them âif you see a foreigner ask them for money because they are richâ. Take a minute to imagine that the only word you know in another, very popular, language was money — of course, this is the word that you will say most often. The problem is that the tourists hearing the ask for money tend to take it very literally when it should be apparent by the askerâs non-verbal cues that they are joking. There is a little rhyme in Vietnam, âHello, cho em nam doâ – which translates to âHello, give me five dollarsâ. They are not asking you for five dollars, this is a rhyme, a common joke among people, reinforcing the stereotype that Westerners are rich. In fact, Vietnam is all about preserving the face — so to genuinely ask for money would be admitting poverty. Ironically, locals arenât supposed to ask for money. Thus, itâs clear that they are just playing around.  My advice: take a second to look at the localâs face – see their smile – know when they are joking! And if you can joke back, you will quickly understand that all is fine. Do not be defeated, intimidated, or turned off by someone if they ask you for money – the interaction doesnât have to abruptly end here. Smile back, continue to reach out in a light-hearted manner – you will get the synergy, and probably the photo, you are hoping for. Sometimes I even say the rhyme when I arrive somewhere and meet a group of people. Some will greet me and I will say âhello cho em nam do!â. This usually makes everyone laugh. There will be no more talking about money after that. I also realize that the more I go to a certain location, and I get to know the people living there, the less they ask me for money. Because I didnât start giving them money in the first place and tried to build a long-term relationship with them, we are now friends. I can now bring groups of photographers to these locations and people are very happy to have us going around and taking photos of their activities (working in the fields or at home). But as I often say, we are Taking photos of them. We have to Give them something back. And by giving them something I do not mean something physical. Most of the time we will give them a fun time: interacting with them, letting them learn more about these “crazy” foreigners who put their feet in the mud to take their pictures. Spend time showing them their picture on the back of your camera, they love it! Once you have taken your photo (or before), spend a little time having a real open exchange with them. You can do that using your hands and smile, but try as much as you can to show interest in them and what they are doing. The locals love it! As the perceived-to-be rich Westerner, it is our duty to bring a halt to such stereotypes. If someone asks you for money and you give it to them, you may be harming them more than helping. This is known as enabling vs. empowering. To enable a fisherman is to overpay him for a fish. To empower him is to teach him proper fishing techniques so that he can catch more of the bigger fish. Another example of enabling is giving money to children. You are not helping them at all and may create a dependence on begging. Their parents may send them to beg on the streets instead of school. Make sense? What will help people the most, not just the locals you visit, has to be long-term – the solution must put the power, the education, the skills and the resources back in their capable hands. Of course, there are situations where giving someone food, water, and clothes is appropriate. Currently, there are massive famines in Somalia, Yemen, and a few other countries. These people need to be given food and water before they can be taught proper farming techniques. They are in crisis – relief and handouts are necessary. Outside of a crisis, long-term development and empowering individuals and communities is the only solution. But you are not going to visit these places and hand over money to everyone, are you? If you want to help, there are alternative ways. So, where does this leave you – when a person asks you for money and your heart tells you to give? Firstly, smile – then consider the circumstance. I may give money to a very elderly or disabled person because I know that they are unable to keep a job. Or even better, I would sit with them and buy the food. Not only you know that you are really helping them but by spending more time with them you may have an opportunity to take some quality photos. I may also offer money to locals if itâs in exchange their services. For example, asking a local person to take you on their boat for some photos on the lake deserves financial compensation. Another example, in Hoi An there are women who carry around baskets of fruit with the purpose of posing for touristâs photos. In a sense, they are full-time professional models. In this case, it is okay to pay them to take their photos as you are supporting their job. But be aware of how much you give! If you are looking for alternative ways to assist individuals and communities, consider partnering with a local NGO. Or, if you have the time to get to know the real needs of people, you could do as I do and fundraise money. Once a year I select a family in need who lives in one of the fishing villages that we frequent on the photo tour. Last year we were able to support a family to repair their very leaky roof. As an outsider, a tourist, it is your responsibility to learn how to be a smart traveller. Do your research, and stop enabling people and communities with quick handouts. For instance, be aware that many middle-aged men who ask for money are planning to buy alcohol –  learn how to read people before you give. Get creative! If you are taking someoneâs photo, bring an Instax along and leave them with a copy of their picture. Take pens and notebooks with you when you go out. But not money. And if youâre left feeling too overwhelmed by people asking for your money, try exploring places less touristed – you will find the people to be more genuine. Remember, when travelling in developing countries and asked for money, truly consider the situation. It shouldnât deter you from taking a photo or getting to know someone. And if someone insists that you have to give them money and becomes upset if you donât, you are presumably in the wrong place – perceived to be a giant wallet. How sad. You are supposed to do like all the other photographers who came here: pay for photos. So you can expect to take the same photo as all the other photographers? There are no good photos to be taken here. Move along. Money, Money, Money.
Donât Always take it Literally!
Give the people something back
We are taking their photos, we need to give them something back!
Enabling vs. Empowering
What Can You Do?
I found this really helpful. Often we don’t stop to think and just react in a panic, we don’t want to be perceived as rude or ungenerous- but it is not helpful and doesn’t build relationship. Thanks for the tips, you have a lot more experience than us!
very interesting one dude, job well done !
One Dollar One Dollar common from the children in Cambodia. I travel up to 3 months at a time in Asia. These children should be in school, but parent know they make $$$ on the streets, many also sell postcards. My first trip to Vietnam 2005 I bought a lb of candy, which loved, but then read about their teeth etc etc. So next trip I bought 100 postcards of San Francisco (Borders was going out of business 5 cent each). This really breaks the ice, not just for $$$, but interesting for adults too. So when the children of Cambodia ask for 1 buck for postcards, I just give them one of mine. Many times I don’t take pictures, just a friendly smile I get back it enough.
Very good idea Charles, this morning on the photo tour there was a girl giving kids little animal stickers, and they really loved them!
Hi, I just read this over at PetaPixel. Great article and very spot on. Unfortunately, it was receiving some very negative comments on the PetaPixel blog, plus lots of comments on the Facebook post. I didn’t get a chance to read them because the all the post feedback was taken down and the link to The PetaPixel post was removed. I can only assume that so many people complaining that PetaPixel removed the post to try to put the fire out. If that’s the case, it’s very disappointing and sad.
I am a development worked (and a hobby photographer) in Liberia, West Africa, one of the poorest countries in the world, so I read your article with great interest. Like I said before, you were spot on with your advice and offered wise counsel regarding the difference between enabling and empowering. It sad that there were so many people over at PetaPixel that showed their utter ignorance on the subject of monetary and social issues in developing countries. Their approach to throwing money at people to get their shot will continue leading to unhealthy and disempowering dependency in developing countries, rather than long-term solutions that offer permanent solutions to poverty. It takes care of whatever obligation or guilt they are feeling, so their conscience is not bothered by the fact they are doing nothing to help the situation. In fact, they are perpetuating the problem.
The only thing I would add is that if someone is taking photos for commercial intent, that the photographer should have the subject sign a model release and some compensation should be paid to the “model” that is normal and customary in that culture.
Thanks Eric for sharing this!
[…] so that they actually took down the article, though you can still find the original article on the author’s site. The PetaPixel article was entitled, âHow to Deal with Locals Who Ask You for Money to […]
Very interesting and usefull article and great comments. In fact when we took a picture of somebody we are take from those people something very peculiar we dont see every day in our “ordinary” life. We can contribute with something peculiar from us, stickers and postcards are a great idea, they constitute a mirror of our intentions and is a simple way to share more of our “world” to simple and humble people. In this case, sharing could mean educate, inform, improving new ideas in spite the means they got could be not enough to carry any significant change to their lifes. At least they keep in touch with something new. We never know what a simple postcard can change…
Thank you.