This morning I have seen one of the best light I have ever seen on my sunrise photo tour, even after 7 years running the tours! Because of the cloud cover and humidity the sunrise colors were splendid, and we had to stop the car on top of te bridge to shoot it!
Anyway, no need to write more, picture will speak for themselves.
Posted in Blog
That is incredible, Etienne. Thank you for sharing. The photographs bring back many wonderful memories. I hope to see you soon again and enjoy the sunrise.
Great pics. You are right. Amazing light.
Great light, just a bit better than the wet morning we had. We still got some great photos though!
Light is so good, what a difference it makes. Love the photos Etienne
Brings back wonderful memories of my sunrise tour. Great light and photos
Wish I’d been there! Good memories…
Thank Etienne for that wonderful tour. It is very inspiering to see how you captured all these situations. 🙂
Awesome sky indeed ! That’s lucky, but we got some nice light too 😉
Awesome. Hope the lighting will be as good or even better when we are there in August.